Uganda is gifted with wonderful and great natural resources e.g. rivers, lakes, mountains, flora and fauna, unique wild animals and birds’ species, hospitable people with varied culture and many other features all conducive for tourism. It has an amazing beautiful climate that every tourist would like to enjoy. Until the 1970’s, the tourism industry was doing well and it was the third most important foreign exchange earner for Uganda, registering positive growth rate each year. Uganda was considered the best tourism attraction in the East Africa region. George Churchill, the then Prime Minister of Britain, after touring Africa concluded that Uganda was indeed the “Pearl of Africa.”

The River Nile, one of the longest rivers in the world, starts its long journey to the Mediterranean Sea, from Uganda. The country is home to Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa and second largest fresh water lake in the world. The lake has beautiful white sand beaches, with cool fresh lake breezes. Mt. Rwenzori, considered as the third highest mountain in Africa, is also in Uganda. More than half of the 600 still living mountain gorillas in the world are found in Bwindi and Mgahinga National Parks in Uganda. In addition, Uganda boasts of varieties of wildlife available in its African savannah national parks, swamps and game and forests reserves. Uganda had over 1,061 species of birds so far recorded. With these bird species, Uganda is considered Africa’s best and most thrilling birding destination.

The following have also helped in promotion Uganda as a tourism destination:

  • Lonely Planet, ranking 2011: Lonely Planet, the largest travel guide book in the world listed Uganda as the preferred destination in 2012.
  • Agrigento rankings, 2012: Agrigento, an Italian tourism magazine ranked Uganda among the top tourism destinations due to stability and the mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable and Mgahinga Gorilla National Parks.
  • CNN Travel ranking, 2013: Named Kidepo Valley National Park as the third best national park in Africa for its spectacular landscapes and animal herds.
  • National Geographic Society listed Uganda in the top 20 global tourism destinations in the year 2013, according to the National Geographic Society.
  • The hosting of the much acclaimed Commonwealth Heads of Governments Meeting (CHOGM) in Kampala opened wide doors and opportunities for Uganda’s tourism.
  • The modern hotel, transport and leisure infrastructure put up during preparations for CHOGM and thereafter, guarantees Uganda as one of the most competitive tourist and conference destinations in the region.

Tig Marketing is implementing the Beautiful Uganda marketing campaign aimed at creating awareness about Uganda tourism potential, advocating for increased participation in tourism marketing by Ugandans and participating in convincing tourists to visit Uganda’s tourism sites. The strategy will target Ugandans, Ugandans in diaspora and friends of Uganda to market Uganda. During campaign, Ugandans will be urged to visit the various tourism sites. Government institutions, corporate organisations and NGOs will be mobilized to sponsor their staff and other groups to visit tourism sites as their corporate social responsibility (CSR) and as a way of relaxation for their staff. It has been proved that relaxation and leisure greatly contribute to staffs wellness and productivity.

For details about the campaign, please get in touch with Chris

Chris Muhango, CEO, Tig Marketing Consult, 79 Bukoto Street, Kamwokya, Kampala, P.O. Box 33022, Kampala, Uganda, Tel +256 414 344278, +256 703 452257, +256-772-185653,, Skype: cmuhango,