The “Drink Milk” campaign has been initiated by Tig Marketing, to participate in promoting the drinking of milk in Uganda. The campaign targets all people but with special attention to the youth and school-going children. Tig Marketing is a fully locally registered marketing and communication firm, based in Uganda. The firm offers services in marketing, communication, sales management, market studies, promotion and advocacy campaigns, behavioral change campaigns and customer service.

According to Uganda Dairy Development Authority (DDA) reports, the per capita milk consumption in Uganda is significantly low (about 54 litres per person per year) compared to the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended minimum standard of 200 litres a year. It has also been noted that most parents and school administrators are not promoting the culture of drinking milk. Children are served other beverages and milk and dairy products are, in most cases, absent during parties organized in homes, schools and other places.

The “Drink Milk” campaign aims at creating awareness on the nutritional value of milk and aggressively promoting the consumption on milk in Uganda.

We are approaching you as an important stakeholder in this campaign and we are requesting you to support the campaign as follows:

  • Give advice and guidance that will integrate the campaign in the national development programs and also make it a success.
  • Support and participate in the planned marketing and promotion campaigns e.g. the lunching of the “Drink Milk” campaign in schools, urban centres and at the district levels.
  • Where possible, fund some of the planned marketing and promotion campaigns activities.
  • For dairy processors, Tig Marketing would like to partner with you so that you offer milk for sale during the campaigns.

For details, please get in touch with Chris

Chris Muhango
CEO, Tig Marketing Consult
79 Bukoto Street, Kamwokya, Kampala, P.O. Box 33022, Kampala, Uganda
Tel +256 414 344278, +256 703 452257, +256-772-185653,, Skype: cmuhango,